May 23, 2016 Week 002 – Day 004

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May 23, 2016 Week 002 – Day 004

May 23, 2016

Week 002 – Day 004

My legs are still swelling. I had them wrapped by the doctor last Friday, and the wraps are getting to be uncomfortable. I have an adjustable Sleep Number bed that allows me to raise my head and feet as I wish. I raised my feet most of the night last night, but still found myself sitting up in bed quite a bit to sleep. This may be a habit I need to curb in order to leave my legs raised for the blood to leave them, and allow the swelling to go down each night. My nerve pain medications (Gabepentine) were cut in half at the start of this program, and I am finding that my nerve pain kicks in for a brief time at night, before I fall to sleep.

Today’s FitBit Stats:

3248 Steps for 1.51 Miles and 3264 Calories burned. 2 Floors Climbed.

Last Night’s Sleep Recorded This Morning:

6 hour 41 min. Asleep last night, Awake X4, Restless X18

Food Schedule:

10AM – Vanilla Shake & 8 oz glass of water with Orange Fiber
12PM – Chocolate Shake
2PM – 1 Chocolate Mint Protein Bar & 8 oz glass of water with Orange Fiber
4PM – Vanilla Shake
6PM 1 packet Chicken Soup in 8 oz Water & 8 oz glass of water with Orange Fiber
8PM – Chocolate Shake

Calorie Intake for the day = 970